martes, 8 de febrero de 2022

6th Grade- Unit 4 - Around the city

 Unit 4 Around the city

 Vocabulary: airport, bank, botanical garden, main square, port, post office, shopping centre, sports stadium, theme park, tourist information  office.

Structures: I/He/She was at (the bank) at (quarter past five). I/He/She wasn’t at (the cinema) at (quarter to six). Where were you/they at (half past seven)?  Where was he/she at (quarter to six)?

Remember: 1:00 one o’clock, 1:05 five past one, 1:10 ten past one, 1:15 a quarter past one, 1:20 twenty past one, 1:25 twenty-five past one, 1:30 half past one,1:35 twenty- five  to two, 1:40 twenty to two, 1:45 a quarter to two, 1:50 ten to two, 1:55 five to two. What time is it? It’s ten to seven.



Affirmative                                 Negative                       Interrogative
I was                                            I wasn't                           Was I ...?
You were                                     You weren't                     Were you...?
He/she/ It was                             He/she/ It wasn't             Was he/she/ It....?
We were                                      We weren't                       Were we...? 
You were                                     You weren't                     Were you...?
They were                                    They weren't                   Were they...?

5th Grade- Unit 4 People and professions

  Unit 4 -People and professions

Vocabulary: basketball player, builder, chef, film star, inventor, journalist, musician, politician, scientist, TV presenter, carpenter, president.

Structures: I/He/She was ... I/He/She wasn’t ... Were you/they...? 

 Was he/she ...?  Yes, I/he/she was...   No, I/he/she wasn’t... Who was...? 

What was...?


Affirmative                                 Negative                       Interrogative
I was                                            I wasn't                           Was I ...?
You were                                     You weren't                     Were you...?
He/she/ It was                             He/she/ It wasn't             Was he/she/ It....?
We were                                      We weren't                       Were we...? 
You were                                     You weren't                     Were you...?
They were                                    They weren't                   Were they...?


4th Grade - Unit 3 Places in town

  4th Grade - Places in town

3rd Grade Unit 3 - Sports

 3rd Grade - Sports

Test Unit 3   Date Friday (viernes) 4th March

Revision  activities: Mestre a casa- anglés-activities 3º (mes de febrero)

Numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety and one hundred. Estudiar cómo se escriben.

3º: Sports: dive, do judo, do karate, ice skate, play table tennis, ride a bike, ride a horse, rollerblade, row, skateboard