viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Stay safe - An easy craft

Hi kids!!! This video is for ART LOVERS💚💜💙💛
Do you like UNICORNS?🌈🌈🌈 An easy craft for you.

Finally, can you guess the sound?🔊🔊

See you on Monday

Stay safe 1º

Hi kids!!! Let's review NUMBERS. Click on the link.

Now two activities to learn  WILD ANIMALS
REMEMBER: wild (salvaje)
Click on the links.

Stay safe 3º

 Let's review the ALPHABET. Click on the link.

Stay safe

Hi kids!!! An activity for artists.🎨🎨🎨
Do you like Minions? Let's draw a Minion. Click on the link.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Stay safe - Let's dance and sing

Hi kids!!! See you tomorrow. Enjoy the videos and have fun.🐎🐎

Stay safe 6º

Hi kids!! Today let's cotinue with the review.
REMEMBER: who (quién), what (qué), where(dónde), when (cuándo) and why (por qué)
This one is a little bit more difficult. Can you do it?

Stay safe 5º

Hi kids!!
Let's begin playing a game to review FRUITS AND VEGETABLES🍄🍇
Have fun and click on the link.

Now try these two games. Listen and choose the correct word.
Click on the links.

Stay 5º and 6º

Hi kids!!! I have found this interesting text about LIFE IN SPACE.
Enjoy the activity. It's very easy.Click on the link.🚀🚀🚀

Projects - Famous People 6º

Hi kids!!! Proyecto - FAMOUS PEOPLE
Formato: Cartulina (foto), documento de word, powerpoint,cualquier aplicación para diseñar documentos.
Si podéis, enviadme también un audio de la lectura del proyecto con una aplicación de grabado de voz.
Correo electrónico:
Este proyecto sabéis que es en pasado, la mayoría de vosotr@s ya había elegido su personaje.
Project: Famous People 
Último día de entrega: Friday 22nd May
                          was a famous actor/ actress/ singer/ footballer/ president/ inventor...
He/She played the guitar/piano/drums very well.
He/She was born in 1945 in London(UK).
He/She lived in Paris(France).
He/She studied in Oxford (UK).
He/She died in New York(USA) in 1983. 
He/She was                        when he/she died.
He/She had             son-s/daughter-s/brother-s/sister-s.
Famous films/songs.....

 In this photo he/she is wearing .......

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Stay safe 2º

Hi kids!!! Let's listen to the vocabulary about HEALTH PROBLEMS.
Click on the pictures and listen to the pronunciation.

Finally,here is a song about BODY PARTS😃😃

Stay safe 4º

Hi kids!! This week we review the DESCRIPTIONS.
Click on the links.

Finally, let's draw an emoji. Art time!!!💖💖😊😊

Stay safe 5º

Hi kids!!! I hope you are fine.
Let's  begin with FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.🍍🍆
If you don't know some words, use a dictionary or a translator.
Click on the links.

Finally, let's review the Past and the Present Simple of TO BE (ser o estar).
                                                                PRESENT SIMPLE

Click on the link.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Stay safe - Let's dance and sing

Hi kids!!! This song is for all the families. You can dance together.
The song talks about having HIGH HOPES.
No matter how hard your dreams seem, keep going.

Stay home 4º

Hi kids!!! I hope you are all fine. Let's review descriptions.
Click on the links.


Stay safe - 6º

Hi kid!! Here we have a reading about food. It's a challenge.
REMEMBER: what (qué) and where (dónde).
Click on the link.

Now let's review THERE IS /ARE.
There is a pencil on the table (Hay un lápiz en la mesa).
There are three pencils on the table (Hay tres lápices en la mesa)

There isn't a pencil on the table (No hay un lápiz en la mesa).
There aren't three pencils on the table (No hay tres lápices en la mesa)

Is there  a pencil on the table? (¿Hay un lápiz en la mesa?).
Are there  three pencils on the table? (¿Hay tres lápices en la mesa?)
Click on the link.

Finally, another game. Verb TO BE (ser o estar).Click on the link.

Stay safe -3º

Hi kids!!! I hope you are fine. Let's review the alphabet.
Enjoy the game. Click on the link( enlace).

Let's review actions. You can copy the words on a paper.

Now try this activity.

Stay safe - The very hungry caterpillar!

Hi kids!! I have found this funny version of the Eric Carle's great story.
Enjoy the video.

We are in a new month: MAY. Let's remember the months of the year.📅📅📅
Is your birthday in May?

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Saty safe - Let's draw

Hi kids. Let's draw some Fruits and veggies
See you tomorrow.

Stay safe 6º

Hi kids!!! I hope you had a good weekend.
It's May, so let's review different topics. Let's begin with PERSONAL PRONOUNS
SINGULAR                            PLURAL
I (yo)                                          We (nosotros/as)
You (tú)                                      You (vosotros/as)
He (él)                                        They (ellos/as)
She (ella)
It (eso - para cosas y animales)
Now try this activity. Click on the link.

Finally you can also play these two games. Click on the links.

Stay safe 5º

Hi kids!! I hope you had a good weekend.
Let's learn  new vocabulary: FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.

 aubergine (berenjena), avocado (aguacate), cauliflower (coliflor),
 cherries (cerezas) , grapes (uvas), pineapple (piña), plums (ciruelas), 
raspberries (frambuesas), red pepper (pimento rojo), spinach (espinacas)

Estructuras principales:
• Do you like (pineapple)? Yes, I love it!/I quite like it./ No, I don’t like it at all.

• There is a/are some … There isn’t/aren’t any …
• Is there a … ? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.
• Is/Are there any … ? No, there isn’t/aren’t.

Let's watch some videos to review. REMEMBER: aubergine=eggplant

Stay safe 2º

Hi kids!!!!!!!I hope you had a good weekend.
Let's continue with the BODY PARTS.,_Shoulders,_Knees_and_Toes_Match_ah60299hf

Here's some vocabulary:
toothache (dolor de muela) / headache (dolor de cabeza) / 
cough (tos) /cut (un corte) /
earache (dolor de oído) /cold (resfriado) / tummy ache (dolor de barriga) 
/sore throat (dolor de garganta) 
Puedes buscar las palabras en el traductor y escucháis cómo se pronuncian.
REMEMBER: stomachache=tummy ache

Finally, let's review the WEATHER.

Stay safe 1º

Hi kids!!! I hope you had a good weekend.
Let's review some FRUITS. Click on the link🍌🍇🍋🍒🍉

Let's learn some  WILD ANIMALS. Enjoy the video.

I know you love this video. You can copy the words on a paper.