domingo, 2 de abril de 2023

6th Grade- Inventions - April

 Unit 6 Ingenious inventions

Vocabulary:  bilingual dictionary, digital thermometer, dishwasher, light bulb, microscope, microwave, paper clip, plasters, stamps, umbrella.

Structures:  How old is the (light bulb)?  Who invented the...? Where did he/she live?  What did he/she do/discover?  I/he/she/they invented.../ (1952).  Where did he/she work?  He/She worked (on a farm). In the past ...

Remember: what (qué), where (dónde),  when (cuándo)


Project: Famous People 
Último día de entrega: 
                          was a famous actor/ actress/ singer/ footballer/ president/ inventor...
He/She invented the ________.
He/She played the guitar/piano/drums very well.
He/She was born in 1945 in London(UK).
He/She lived in Paris(France).
He/She studied in Oxford (UK).
He/She died in New York(USA) in 1983. 
He/She was                        when he/she died.
He/She had             son-s/daughter-s/brother-s/sister-s.
Famous films/songs.....

 In this photo he/she is wearing .......
Last year examples: