miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Stay safe 4º

Hi kids!!! Do you like Harry Potter?
In this activity you have to listen and choose the food they like. Have fun!!
Review:  HAVE GOT (verbo tener)
I (yo)/ You (tú) /We (nosotros-as)/ You (vosotros-as)/ They (ellos-as)  have got  AFFIRMATIVE
He(él) / She (ella) / It (animales u objetos) has got        AFFIRMATIVE

 I (yo)/ You (tú) /We (nosotros-as)/ You (vosotros-as)/ They (ellos-as)  haven't got NEGATIVE 
 He(él) / She (ella) / It (animales u objetos) hasn't got       NEGATIVE  
Click on the link.

Finally, let's review the city. It's easy🚔🚏🎦📮